Meaning-Filled Activities
What is a meaning-filled activity? Students need to see value in working on a task – they need to see that it is worth the time to complete an activity.
The meaning-filled learning activities below were created by junior and senior high teachers participating in the Numeracy for All community of practice and highlight the importance of creating engaging and meaning-filled learning activities that draw on mathematical knowledge as well as a range of skills and strategies.
If it doesn’t have a context, it’s not real numeracy!
PDF of the Meaning-filled Activities webinar
Moving from Mathematics Instruction to Numeracy Development
After the webinar, participants were asked to:
- Choose a learning outcome from the Mathematics Program of Studies.
- Design an activity that will be meaningful and help students develop numerate behavior.
- Try the activity with students.
- Observe the activity and note the students’ level of engagement and the connections they are making with mathematics.
- Share observations!
An example of a meaning-filled activity:
To see more examples of meaning-filled activities, view the PDF Activity Handout.